Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Transit

arrived in Los Angels after afairly uneventful flight. Both my phones ROAM as i am writing this with Opera mobile. LAX was a joke to go through for immigration. worst EVER! the guy at customs just wanted to know if I had 10 grand or more in broken english then waved me on. They had no duty free on arrival so I missed out on cheap 101 wild turkey. I was in the wrong Q for the TSA scanners but didnt even get a patdown after my bags were scanned :( waiting for United flight to Chicago


  1. Big man. Glad to hear you are safe and well and didn't get kicked off in hawaii for drunk and disorderly behaviour. Hope you have a lovely time.

  2. Hey, nice work Cam. Was wondering how you were going and where you were.

    I think both times I went through LAX it was a hispanic dude with a name I couldn't pronounce. At least you are in now, look out America, Australia is here. Take it easy, enjoy the baseball Friday night, you lucky bastard :D

  3. Cam turns up in Chicago, and this appears on the news...


  4. Ok Mark, we have the sketch, but no glasses?!?,0,
