Friday, April 1, 2011

Sunny Chicago

Well  was I was wrong and its been quite cold. The news describes it as a "brutal winter". Its actually colder than the air temperature suggests in the CBD (I am staying just down the road from Sears Tower) because of the shadows and wind tunnel effect. After spending an hour and a half in REI I think I am a little better prepared for today which is the opening day of the baseball season. The Chicago Cubs are playing the Pittsburgh Steelers (booo!) at Wrigley Field but it may snow and most likely will rain. It dumped 1 foot of snow in New England so its not all bad here.
Had bad jet lag yesterday after 2 hours sleep the 1st night, that despite 5 beers in a mock English pub, but went to sleep at 9pm last night and got up before the alarm at 5:45AM! I have $20US left as my cash passport isn't serving up US$ from ATM's so am going to sort that out 2nd thing. 1st thing is a diner breakfast. I had one yesterday and must have had 5 cups of coffee as they keep filling it up. People are generally nice here. Paul from Calumet Photography was really helpful. The store seems to be located in a semi industrial wasteland on the fringes of an area undergoing an upmarket yuppie residential rebirth. The "L Train" ride back in was interesting. The track passes amazingly close to peoples 2nd storey back balconies.After that I went up Sears now Willis tower dubbed "The tallest building in the Western hemisphere". The view was awesome

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