Monday, April 11, 2011

Up the Rockies

My laptop won't connect to the hotels wireless so its the mobile till I sort that out. I am in Denver Colorado after trying to drive up Pikes Peak. Got to about 3700 meters but the road was closed for the last bit. "Be open in 1 or 2 days" said the cheerful entrance attendant taking my 10 bucks. Great.
Stayed the night at Dalhart in North Texas. I finally made it to a Man Versus Food featured venue but I can't disclose the name as they charged me for the meal. ;) kidding Duffys The Cherry Cricket although it wasn't a "Challenge" venue. Great burger. Standard "1/2 pound Cricket Burger" with fresh jalapenos, blue cheese and bacon. Nice! Every other one has either been packed solid or closed or in an insane location that is impossible to get to at the times I have gone past without excellant local knowledge. There were 4 featured in Amarillo and all were closed excepting the 72 ounce steak challenge. I didn't feel like eating that much meat and then driving for hours... Hard to drive on a freezing cold night with the windows down - otherwise asphyxiation may occur.
I realise now I made a mistake with Colorado. I wanted to see mountains damn it! and I am still on the edge of the prairie with mountains in the distance so tomorrow I am going to get up amongst them proper.
Interstates are at 75 mph in Colorado. Petrol is the cheapest I have seen it. Is there a long lost and missing Bush brother who is Governor here?
Steve these may be the planes then that got smashed:
The Mustang looked fixed up:



  1. Love the shots of the planes. I spy the nose of the YF-17 to the right of your A-12 photo, do show more :)

    Heres a shot post Katrina of the mustang.

  2. Did you feel like Ari Vatanen driving up Pikes Peak?
