Monday, April 4, 2011

Mason City - the Original River City

Tonight I am staying at the Super 8 Hotel. The airport here was the first airport I have ever been too where there was no Taxi, Bus, or public transport waiting for each plane. I got a card for a taxi service from the Jefferson Bus companies office and it felt like someone's Mum MOM came to pick me up in the family people mover. Quick ride into town and I checked in and arranged transport to Greene, Iowa for $70 with big Earl. Fairly hard to get around here without personal transport.

Went across the road through acres of car park to the largest barn stores I have ever been in. A Target, store some form of Bunning's equivalent, Wallmart and more I have no idea of but all dwarfing anything and selling everything. All articles where large sized. That's a credit card above.

Looking for dinner at this place with the advertising line:

Welcome to Papa’s American CafĂ©, known for legendary fine foods in a relaxing atmosphere. Papa’s is a sports restaurant with 35 screens for YOUR viewing pleasure. If you want to watch a particular game just ask our staff and they will get it on a TV near you. If you’re at the bar or in a booth just turn your personal TV with the remote in front of you. That’s right you can get your own TV with your own remote. 

How can I resist?
That was really good. Probably the best cheese burger I have ever had. I still like an Aussie style burger with Beetroot etc but that was great. Note to self: when they say side order of chips they actually mean crisps like Smith Crisps.
That makes up for the free Bigmac I got at the Basketball. That was an obscenity in comparison.


  1. Glad you finally made it to Mason City, thought for a moment there you may have been experiencing your very own planes/trains and automobiles! Note, when you pick up the V8, dont stop for any John Candy lookalikes! chips, I recall making the same mistake over there. Good luck tomorrow, looking forward to seeing some more pics of your lovely red head cougar ;)

  2. Can you blow that photo up a bit more? I can't quite read the numbers on the credit card.
