Friday, April 29, 2011

1st World Country (Supposedly), 3rd World Internets

The Shuttle didn't launch... no earlier than May 2nd. I am not sure what to do but I think it's too close to my departure of the 10pm 3rd Pacific time.
I stayed the night in the town of Mariposa thinking it was close to the Sequoia grove that bears it's name. It was further away than what I thought but a good drive. The trees where huge. Not as tall as the Coastal Redwoods but more massive. I drove a loop through Yosemite, pronounced the same way we say Vegemite, and then took a tertiary rode back down to the Central Valley through the foothills which reminded me of the area north of Lismore, NSW. I don't really like the valley. It's so flat. An enormous flat agricultural plain. It was so dusty. I passed some signs that were advertising a rally against the dust bowl and I hope they get some support. The wind was howling and blowing filthy dust that had me gagging. The dust would be laden with pesticides and left over fertiliser chemicals for sure. In some places they have feed lots packed with cattle that absolutely stink. Compared to the happy animals I saw mowing the hectares of paddocks in the foot hills this looked like Bovine hell. Tonight I am in the Coalinga Inn with shit Wifi yet again. 

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