Wednesday, April 27, 2011

California Driving

Got in after 14 hrs behind the wheel. From Sutherlin, Oregon to just north of the Golden Gate. Went and saw the big trees in Founders Cove - Amazing. Then drove down highway 1. I didn'ty think it would take as long as it did but I have never been through that many corners in a days driving. Never. Beutiful coastline and it reminded me of NSW as there are a lot of Gum trees. Big ones too. They must have been planted years ago in stands and look really good.
Just arranged a ticket too Orlando tomorrow so fingers crossed the Shuttle takes off on time and successfully. Surely with the husband of the Politician who got shot in the head in Arizona commanding the shuttle it's all going to go to plan? Surely.

Big Tree
I felt safe here

In Bremerton there were 5 Aircraft carriers lined up. I felt exposed taking photo's as I think the one furthest away was still active. I drove around a lot and they are just there in front but getting a picture was hard. This picture above is from a hill nearby and residents were sussing me out. I am not sure if they were going to roll me or ring the cops.

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