Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tucson Thumb Twiddling

If I had my guitar I might be able to concoct some corny blues number with this title and verse.
I haven't got the car back yet but should tomorrow AM. Damn, will miss out on going to the Titan Missile Museum as I am short on time.  Hopefully I will be at Hoover damn early arvo then Vegas that night. I spent today catching a bus into downtown and getting cash to pay for the repairs. Catching public transport always gives a different view to a place than that seen by a car or taxi and I usually enjoy it, particulalry when I am biding my time.
I picked up this on the side of the road when I was walking back to my hotel from the Air and Space museum:
It's an 11/16th ring and opened ended spanner. If it comes in handy in the next 2 weeks I will know it was given too me by the spanner gods. Stay tuned.
The waitress must have seen me coming in Salina. She put this in front of me.
At least there's a Dirty Harry movie on TV...

1 comment:

  1. Dave wants you to bring back the "understanding women" book..
