Thursday, April 14, 2011


I have added a page I will update called GPS Trail under the Pages tab. Unfortunately the GPX files created by both the phone and laptop are too large to upload to easy Trail or other sites. I can't reduce the interval of both GPS devices to make the files small enough so will stick with this for now.I should call this section "The view over the bonnet"
South Idaho

Ford F450 Super Duty

Pony Express camp

View back after seeing the end

These are fairly low resolution photos as the wifi is slow. I am glad I pulled over last night when visibility was low as the scenery was great coming from Idaho into Utah. it must have dumped snow on the higher parts of the Salt Lake city as it looked quite thick. It periodically snowed on the interstate which is quite low. I see they are refining salt from the Great Salt lake... With a petrochemical factory a couple of power stations and some reasonably intensive animal farming up river I think I will pass on this salt for my chips. It was a bit boring getting to Bonneville Speedway but then picked up. There's a town called Wendover that straddles the Utah-Nevada border. I checked the Auto Transmission fluid, properly this time with the engine running in park, and the dip stick was dry. There was an Auto Parts store but we worked out I needed Type F compatible fluid and they didn't have any... They didn't have any parts I wanted like a new air cleaner so this may be a problem. I then went to every gas station and even a "Lube while you wait" store (I didn't realise there was such demand for this service) but finally got some in the last store I went too. Lucky. It was a long way back to Salt Lake city or to the next large town. As I drove south I crossed the border which was painted on the road and there was a massive casino literally on the first block they could build one on. I was wondering why there was a reasonably sized town in the middle of no where and now it was all explained. The strip continued on into the usual fast food and hotel blasphemy but I turned left in a south east direction hoping to make the hypotenuse to a right angle triangle and get back back close to the main route south of Salt Lake city. 100's of dirt miles later I realised it probably wasn't the best plan however at least I got to follow the original Pony Express trail... If you look at the GPS Trail you can see the Right angle triangle idea should have stayed in the Year 6 math class. I am staying in Salina Utah tonight and had a half rack of Utah Calf ribs for dinner :)

1 comment:

  1. Mrs B Here :-)15/4/11 06:14

    Love the Pony Express trail- you might have to watch the tv show "The Young Riders". Great show and beautiful countryside. Think your car might also need/like a good wash soon :-)
