Sunday, April 10, 2011

I slept in the car last night in the largest car park I have ever seen. I thought I may be the only one but there was an army of RV,s and pickup truck campers. 1st thing is to get tyres so I am out the front of the Natianal Tire & Battery store nearest the speedway. After yesterday I want to have new rubber all round. It was great seeing an Aussie in the race. The other sports I have watched I have not had as much involvement. I wont say the reult but it was good racing. Today I am going to see where JFK was shot if possible.

I havent had internet access in my hotel nor data on my phone but have some other updates. I went to the Naval aviavtion Mueseum in Pensacola and USS Alabama in Mobile

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or is Cameron doing product placement?

    Cameron is brought to you today by National Tyre & Battery, O'Reilly's Auto Parts and KFC.

    I guess we all supplement our meagre HP salaries in different ways.
