Monday, April 25, 2011

Snow and more snow

Tried to leave north up the Wind River road to see Mount St Helen's but it went from medium rain to medium wet snow to medium/heavy dry snow really fast. I turned the engine off and it was really tranquil. Up till now there's been a bank of snow on either side of the road due to the plow but this time there was a snow covered ditch on one side and the other a 100 meter drop off through pine trees into the river so when the car started going sideways I decided that was far enough. I had to reverse about 1 km with all but the front screen frozen up but managed to chuck a u'ey and then get back down to the gorge and drove east along it. It is an impressive drive. I didn't realise that 40% of America's wheat passes down it and a huge amount of cargo goes up it. I then drove to Seattle and went to the Microsoft campus and then got stuck in heavy Seattle traffic. There's some road work right near the ferry terminals so on the 3rd attempt after hacking through the CBD I made it to the terminal and caught a large ferry to Bremerton where I am staying at the Oyster Bay Inn. The I90 freeway that comes into Seattle from the East South East is amazing. Snoqualimie pass is awesome. I didn't realise how rough the Cascade Mountains were. Each pass across it seems to be a major engineering feat. They are getting record snows in this region and record late dumps so I think I will stick to the coastal roads heading south. The camera is charging but the light was bad all day so I don't have many photo's. The camera is really just a happy snaps camera although it does seem to take good 60mph in car shots. There where so many drone's coming out of the Microsoft campus I didn't get to park the Cougar on the lawn in front of the Microsoft sign and take a photo :( Damn it.

1 comment:

  1. Did you call into Plano or Palo Alto or where ever the execs hang out these days Cameron?

    I was looking forward to seeing a photo of you with your arm around Ann and one of Leo standing in front of the Cougar.
