Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mountains Ohhh Yeah

Driving due west out of Denver I felt glad to be leaving. Freeways, McMansions and McTownhouses look out of place in the Denver setting. I left the I-70 near Empire and drove to Winter Gardens through some great mountains. In some places the snow was piled up twice the height of the car. I think I was lucky that the roads I drove on were open. I crossed and recrossed the continental divide many times today. At the moment I think I am on the Atlantic side.
From Colorado I drove into Wyoming via Grandby, Rand and Saratoga.
Looking back into Colorado
Wyoming is like a geology lesson for giants. The vegetation is quite thin coming out of winter and soil is as bad as Australia leaving the strata bare to see. I think I can see from where the name Yellowstone is going to come from. Tonight I am in Lander where i am staying at the Frontier Lodge. The people are really nice.
I am trying to figure out what to do as Yellowstone park is not officially open untill Thursday and that's at the weathers  mercy. Each state has some good road condition websites like Wyoming's so I just have to keep hitting F5.
Not much really happened to day but it was one of the best days. I drove though some of the least populated and beautiful parts of the country. It was the most similar to Australia - Wyoming that is as we don't really have a Colorado equivalent area. One thing I hope in my future is that I never get exposed to as much Country 'music" as I am now. THE corniest lyrics combined with crappy electric slide guitar, how they can make such a good instrument sound so awful is beyond me, to make probably my most hated form of music. Every gas station or restaurant or hotel foyer plays the music. It sounds like the same song repeated ad nauseum
Some more photos:


  1. Anonymous13/4/11 05:02

    Cam, on your trip from Granby through Rand, you passed close by Steamboat Springs where Phil Street lives - I visited there twice some years ago. If you go past on your return, maybe you could look him up. It is very beautiful countryside around there.
    You might remember from the Blues Brothers that they play both kinds of music in the US west, Country and Western.
    Love Dad

  2. Its apparently national park week there (16 - 23 April)
