Thursday, April 7, 2011

6 states in a day

Damn post didn't save :(

From the Super 8 I went across the Mississippi down to a town called Cairo. It was where I was trying to get too the night before but turned back as the family orientated motels on the interstate changed to porn shops then strip joints. I am so glad I turned back because it was the most rundown town I have seen. There are buildings in different states of collapse in the main street. Cairo is above the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and was a key strategic point for the civil war. I was hoping to cross the bridge back into Missouri but it was closed with no apparent reopening date. So I went across the Ohio bridge which was built in 1938 and into Kentucky.
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It wasn't far to Tennessee from there through some really nice country on the back roads. I could tell I was in the bible belt when I saw a van with pictures of a 3 foot high fetus on the side like that in 2010: Odyssey Two and some reallly creative right for life slogans like "shake my hand don't kill me".... The driver looked like a modern day pilgrim.
I finally double downed in Ripley :) took 25 minutes for the "sandwich" to cool down before I could take a bite. I like them.
Route 51 to Memphis and past Beale Street however I didn't really feel like I was going to like it so kept going. I got out after 2 hours and had my first exposure to a full southern accent. After a few goes I could do away with the sign language.
I can't remember exactly where it started but by a town called West Point there were churches everywhere. One place had 4 in a row on the right side and more on the left. They must have been desperate for clients because they had deals like "between 7 and 10 all you can eat and Sermons". Out the front of one was what appeared to be a grown up Fat Albert and family. I don't think it is very ethical.
I stayed in Thomasville, Alabama. There were a lot of tradesmen around. My car was dwarfed by the F1-2-350's and Elderado's in the car park.


  1. Mrs B ....Again8/4/11 05:06

    Where's the post?? lol :-)

  2. Mrs B :-)11/4/11 04:23

    Thanks for the update :-) Loving it all :-p
