Thursday, April 28, 2011

Houston I have a problem

Making assumptions can sometimes come back and bite you in the arse. In this case I am inline for a full buttock transplant. I assumed the pickup time for tour was at 7:30 am as it was before they delayed the launch. Bad move. Pickup time is at 5:30am, the same time my plane get's in to Orlando an hours drive away. I couldn't get another flight in time so I decided to stay in California and cry over watch the launch on TV :(


  1. That sucks Cam. We worked out we'd have to get up at 5:37am on a saturday to see it on tv/internet, so we're out too!

    You might want to have a word with Paris while you're in town...

  2. Have you ever had a girl tell you your timings off Cam?.....

  3. It will give you time to lookup Leo in Palo Alto. I heard he was keen to go for a spin in the Cougar.

  4. The Funny Mrs B :-P29/4/11 03:39

    Gee, the guys are a bit rough Cameron, with their comments :-(

    BTW, isn't there an old saying, "Assume - makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me". Hehehe, sorry, couldn't resist :-P

  5. Sorry Cameron, I would have liked to catch up but I have taken the company jet to Florida to watch the launch. Give my regards to Sir Les.

  6. It's not too late to put on the astronaut nappies and drive there in the Cougar!

  7. So, what is your REAL job Cam... you go to the us.. Women ends up dead after a stolen iPhone, and Osama is dead.. connection? ;-)
