Sunday, April 10, 2011

Driving Mr Cameron

I can't seem to move posts around so will have to over write.

I am on a mission to find a good coffee. With no included breakie at last nights hotel I was on the hunt for something better than the usual fair. I stopped at 3 towns and walked them trying to find a cake/pastry shop and/or a coffee shop. No avail.
Don't drive into Pensacola from the North. Its an uninterrupted strip from hell. The air base is huge. The on base golf course looked great. There were so many planes it was hard to take it all in. I was a little disappointed in they didn't appear to have an F-18 or derivative nor a Phoenix missile. I asked after the Phoenix and was immediately included in a conversation that marks me a geek in 2 disciplines. There was a lot of fog but drove out the west gate along the coast through light traffic until the cross roads and hit a solid stream north back into Alabama heading for Battleship Park, Mobile. What a playground :)
I did the 3 tours and was blown away. Its a South Dakota class battleship and was never really upgraded post WW2. Its been preserved really well and has some interesting on ship displays. I wish I had more time but did the turbo version of the tours. It's a days worth. Best thing on the Alabama was going into the magazine storage and just walking the ship. AWESOME! Even better, and I almost missed it, was following the sign to the Submarine and entering the shed full of planes. P51-D Mustang and  F14,15,16,17!,18 and an SR71 or A-12 to name the ones that really blew my mind.
Out of the two museums/displays I preferred the Alabama.


  1. I hate to ask the question why it needs new tires after a nascar/speedway event.... ;-)

  2. A B-52 is only just bigger than your car! :-)

  3. The Envious Mrs B :-)11/4/11 04:30

    Hope you took lots of pics of the Alabama - that looks so amazing :-)

  4. Matt Berresford11/4/11 17:30

    Ahhh Mobile. You are in the south's equivalent of LA the city of redneck angels,(LA stands for lower alabama btw)Just remember they filmed deliverance around there as well. lol

  5. Cam, many of the planes at the Alabama museum were damaged in Hurricane Katrina. I've seen some images with aircraft piled on top of each other. That P-51 they have there had its tail torn off.

  6. Looks like you missed the Blue Angels practice schedule at Pensacola by only a week.

  7. Anonymous11/4/11 23:20

    Hi Cam,
    I have added Placemarks on Google Earth of the places you have visited, and you certainly have covered a lot of ground - it is an interesting trip.
    Love from Mum and Dad
