Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Big Update II

This post seemed to get stuck in draft mode somehow:

The weather has been great... up till now so I am holed up in the mining town of Butte, Montana hoping for no clouds.
Yellowstone was pretty good though not really my thing. I went in the East exit, Drove out and back in the South exit and then exited the North East exit. To be honest the best sights are from the exits as they all contain huge canyons draining the uplift. The super volcano is really to big to see from the ground.
People stopping, blocking the whole road to take pictures of Bison gets old really fast so I used the horn a lot to get out.

Old Faithful

The drive out of Yellowstone was a bit of an anti climax with solid cloud blocking all views

 Had some real issues with my cash. There are 3 Bank of America atms/branches in Colorado, None In Wyoming or Montana it seems. The 3 in Colorado are all in within a few kilometers of each other  in Denver which is really helpful. Thanks for that. So I had to get raped in Fort Collins and hit up a local atm after driving around wasting time.
I wasn't going to do it but I ended up heading north through Wyoming to Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse.... there is a lot of work to do on Crazy Horse to fulfill the vision.

 Wyoming is utterly fantastic to drive through off the interstates. The road passes some of the main energy arteries for the US - huge coal trains traveling to destinations across the country. After the flat horizons of the great plains and mid west its a relief on the eyes to see some topography. These are photos from the SAC museum in Nebraska

Foyer of the SAC museum
Hanger I

"Back lot"

Avro Hawker Vulcan

I had to ask around to get the location of the secret door marked "Do not open. Alarm will sound!" from the young guy to get to see the back lot. The old grouchy guy who sold me a full price ticket with 40 minutes to closing time did not seem too want to tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Tony Abbott3/9/14 05:22

    Any photos of the coal trains Campbell? I love coal!
