Monday, September 22, 2014

Fun facts and figures

Whilst whiling away the scintillating hours spent in transit at the coming airports I thought I would compile some stats
For starters I am 4 hours early at Seattle Tacoma International but they have free WiFi.
Distance:14305 Mi23022 Km
Fuel:659.86 Gallon(US)2497 Liters
Avg Distance per day

I found a useful tool a while ago that gets around the flat Mercator projection distortion that makes Canada look ridiculously large and Greenland as big as Australia. Whilst the 2nd largest nation on earth, Canada is not as large as these maps suggest. I put in the basic outline of the drive which can be seen here: or in the comparison below.
Rough drive outline

Over laid on Australia
It would be good to invert the latitudes and normalise them to the southern hemisphere but then the map would only show a lot of blue and white - white being the generic colour used in Google maps for Antarctica. It still amazes me how far "north" Canada and the USA are in comparison to Australia and any large land masses in the southern hemisphere.

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