Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Driving straight at the Sun

No penguins... I may have been a season and 12 hrs late as it is autumn and they go back to their burrows at night so off to Mt Gambier which is really nice. I've always wanted to at least pass through Mt Gambier but wish their coffee and Bacon & Egg shops opened up earlier.

The wind has been almost constantly off the ocean with a really light intermittent drizzle. Its been beautiful green dairy beef country turning into huge pine forests, dairy beef country up to about Robe SA. I am sure it can switch back to drought land very fast though.
What I thought would be a quite boring section turned out to be uniquely beautiful -  along the edge of the Coorong National Park.
I think I spent almost all day with the sun in the windscreen which was quite hot so I opted to find a motel in Port Wakefield and found a 2 bedroom house for $140 a night. I'm happy

Tomorrow is going to be another day driving north.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13/4/16 05:10

    Good stuff!

    Looking forward to the next update. Say hi to Troy Dann or Russell Coight if you see them! Yes I know Troy Dann was a bit unrealistic :D

