Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"we have an opt-out in aisle 3"

"... a Male opt-out in aisle 3."
I have spent my life trying not to inconvienience others, my parents can contest to that :) , but I felt like any delays or issues for anyone that heard the announcment was going to be my fault. The guy doing the pat down was very polite and explained what was to happen to me. I didn't suffer any adverse testicular resitance but couldn't keep the smile off my face as it occured just past the normal carry on scanners and I was the momentary centre of interest for an audience already bored with the whole flying process. The car is at the exporter and I am at the dept gate with 3hrs to wait
Forgot to add: they can back scatter scan there own flesh. Good to see the Aus govt blindly follow the sepos down the same path. I am sure thier testing was thorough and manufatucture independent... just repeat after the faceless govt droid: we are all safer if we throw money in the pursuit of the appearance of saftey.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Last night in the Asylumn

That was fun. 50 miles on 4 freeways in LA without being able to see out of the back right and right side windows. The bikes in the car alongside everything else. Next time I get a van.
Staying in the Travel Lodge in Pasadena close to the auto detail shop. I didn't get into late and was quite hungry which meant I was able to finally use (and remembered) a line I have been wanting to use for awhile and that was to the 2 Chinese guys on the front desk. "I'm so hungry I could eat the arse out of a dead wombat! where's open at this hour?" They didn't really get it even after looking at each other so I just made the eating food gesture and got a reply. I am pretty sure the pommies in the lobby understood me though.

In San Diego I was able to go to the USS Midway museum right in the harbour off the CBD. I was there in line at 10am as it opened and was glad. Just after I did the "Island" guided tour there was quite a line up to get on the boat and to do the tour. The deck photos are either from the bridge or the Carriers Air Traffic control ...thing.
2 Phoenix and a Sparrow on an F14

USS Midway

I finally got to see and touch my Phoenix missiles :)
The Midway is only about 50 to 100 feet short of a Nimitz class carrier but much larger than the Hornet. The main hanger was huge. We were also allowed down to the engine room to see the turbines, shaft and reduction gearbox. Great. One happy camera clicking tourist.

waiting in LA

Just went to REI in Tustin, LA and ordered a Scott bike. I asked for it in a box and they said they will find the model I was after. It was still in a box from the manufacture but they will have to assemble it then disassemble it and put it in either the same box or another bigger box. I said with my limited cycle knowledge and the bike nuts at work there would be no issue assembling it but they have to do it by law.
Am leaching free wifi from the home depot store across the road eating in a fast food place waiting till 8pm to pick up the bike in a box. It's 3pm now so will probably watch a movie or something. I don't really feel like taking on the LA freeways and traffic.
Tomorrow I have to get the car steam cleaned and detailed ready for export and have a place lined up to do that. Just waiting to find out where the depot is for the transporter and then I will find a hotel nearby. After that it's off the the airport for some more waiting time.