Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"we have an opt-out in aisle 3"

"... a Male opt-out in aisle 3."
I have spent my life trying not to inconvienience others, my parents can contest to that :) , but I felt like any delays or issues for anyone that heard the announcment was going to be my fault. The guy doing the pat down was very polite and explained what was to happen to me. I didn't suffer any adverse testicular resitance but couldn't keep the smile off my face as it occured just past the normal carry on scanners and I was the momentary centre of interest for an audience already bored with the whole flying process. The car is at the exporter and I am at the dept gate with 3hrs to wait
Forgot to add: they can back scatter scan there own flesh. Good to see the Aus govt blindly follow the sepos down the same path. I am sure thier testing was thorough and manufatucture independent... just repeat after the faceless govt droid: we are all safer if we throw money in the pursuit of the appearance of saftey.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I must say that I am glad you are home safe and sound. I'm not quite sure what we will do without daily updates on cameronlangford.blogspot.com, so maybe you should keep updating. I enjoy your writing.

    Have to congratulate you Cam, all the hours of planning payed off. Good job. I dunno what sort of life that cougar has had for the previous 44 years, but it sure had a hell of a good past 4 weeks. Look forward to seeing more photos.

    Good to catch up for lunch today.
