Saturday, July 26, 2014

In Transit

On the way to New York City. Quaffing the worst coffee and Bacon, whipped Egg(I assume) and Gouda roll ever. The only place open was a Starbucks so I lose my virtues on Day1. After the mix up with the tickets and heavy fog in CBR I am glad to be in transit with no delay. LAX is the same steaming shithole as ever although they do appear to have attempted to polish it somewhat. Customs here need to watch how Sydney Customs staff handle a crowd of shuffling transit zombies. It was a real shambles.

To be fair LAX is undergoing a fairly substantial upgrade program however they have managed to put the USB charging ports in the lounges upside down so I recommend they scrap the whole thing and start again.


  1. Good stuff Cam, glad you made it. By now you must be in NYC. Hope you get some sleep, and the jet lag goes easy on you.

  2. Tony Abbott26/7/14 23:18

    Enjoy your holiday Campbell.

  3. Don't knock the Starbucks :-P

  4. Great to hear you're on your way Cam!!! Good luck with the trip.
