Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Last full day in NYC

Photos got out of sequence but started at the USS Intrepid. Must be school holidays because there was an army of kids at the gates and they all headed to the space shuttle so I skipped that. Pretty good Exhibit.

Also went to Cooney Island which I imagine has the feel of Gaza strip just with a some roller coasters on the beach. Didn't realise it was one of the poorest areas in New York which says a lot. 100 meters from the station and I didn't feel right. Got a Hot Dog at Nathans and it was pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics Cam. I am very impressed you managed to get your phone onto the daily show set!

    Did your hotdog look as impressive as your sandwich did?

    I Like the pics of the planes. The F14 & A6 don't look at all like they are wearing navy warpaint. What was the blue Angel I can see the nose of? An F-18?

    Enjoy the train ride down to Washington. That should be a good trip.

