Monday, July 28, 2014

Daily Show Day

Look I like New york and all but i have never been a place that almost always smells like urine. I am fairly sure its mostly dog urine but in someplace outside of a traditional duny block its reeks and its in a fairly quite corner out of the way...
At least there is no visible signs of dog shit, unlike Canberra. There are signs up everywhere and i have seen many people with a plastic bag on their hand diligently picking up the left overs. One guy in Brooklyn heights had a strange relationship with his dog where by the dog get in position and then shuffle forwards laying a  trail of little nuggets. This guy then walked behind picking them all up. The expressin on the dogs face as it looked over its shoulder was classic.
11:50, 2.5 hours before tickets get released and people just started lining up for tickets! Not sure if these are stand bye or confirmed like me. I am in the American Retro bar across and down the street half a block  with a beer and a clear view of the front. There are other loiterers around checking mobiles and lookimg up and down the street.
My feet are really sore. A combination of  winter feet, sandals and a lot of walking. People will be unhappy to know I have had to resort to socks with my sandals but I have attempted some stealth by wearing long pants. I am very close to getting blisters so have to be careful

So glad I had 3 pints before joining the queue! The sun has just come out but we are in the shade. The queue is of people WITH confirmed ticket.

And 2.5 hrs later I have a ticket in my hand - I feel like Charlie Bucket :)

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