Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Last full day in NYC

Photos got out of sequence but started at the USS Intrepid. Must be school holidays because there was an army of kids at the gates and they all headed to the space shuttle so I skipped that. Pretty good Exhibit.

Also went to Cooney Island which I imagine has the feel of Gaza strip just with a some roller coasters on the beach. Didn't realise it was one of the poorest areas in New York which says a lot. 100 meters from the station and I didn't feel right. Got a Hot Dog at Nathans and it was pretty good.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Daily Show Day

Look I like New york and all but i have never been a place that almost always smells like urine. I am fairly sure its mostly dog urine but in someplace outside of a traditional duny block its reeks and its in a fairly quite corner out of the way...
At least there is no visible signs of dog shit, unlike Canberra. There are signs up everywhere and i have seen many people with a plastic bag on their hand diligently picking up the left overs. One guy in Brooklyn heights had a strange relationship with his dog where by the dog get in position and then shuffle forwards laying a  trail of little nuggets. This guy then walked behind picking them all up. The expressin on the dogs face as it looked over its shoulder was classic.
11:50, 2.5 hours before tickets get released and people just started lining up for tickets! Not sure if these are stand bye or confirmed like me. I am in the American Retro bar across and down the street half a block  with a beer and a clear view of the front. There are other loiterers around checking mobiles and lookimg up and down the street.
My feet are really sore. A combination of  winter feet, sandals and a lot of walking. People will be unhappy to know I have had to resort to socks with my sandals but I have attempted some stealth by wearing long pants. I am very close to getting blisters so have to be careful

So glad I had 3 pints before joining the queue! The sun has just come out but we are in the shade. The queue is of people WITH confirmed ticket.

And 2.5 hrs later I have a ticket in my hand - I feel like Charlie Bucket :)


The receptionist was having some trouble mashing the keyboard coherently and so after a futile 5 minutes called over the duty manager who with raised eye brows announced I now had an upgrade in room and thanks for patience. Words mentioned were "King Sized", Premium and 21st floor. Surely this means a horizon view and possible major monument vistas!?!
At least the lights from Time square play over the white wall at night adding a blade runner feel to it.

I caught the subway down to Katzs deli the next day after seeing it on a number of TV shows. The weather is nice in the mid 70's but I have never been on a subway where its hotter under ground than above. Not sure why but it dowsnt appear high pressure water or steam technology has made it to the subway yet. Every surface looks and feels like it needs some attention although the carriages are clean.
Some parts I have been to look like a war zone.

The sandwhich was extreme:

I am near central park lurking around the studio for the Daily Show. I will keep doing walk byes until I see a line form then join in.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

In Transit

On the way to New York City. Quaffing the worst coffee and Bacon, whipped Egg(I assume) and Gouda roll ever. The only place open was a Starbucks so I lose my virtues on Day1. After the mix up with the tickets and heavy fog in CBR I am glad to be in transit with no delay. LAX is the same steaming shithole as ever although they do appear to have attempted to polish it somewhat. Customs here need to watch how Sydney Customs staff handle a crowd of shuffling transit zombies. It was a real shambles.

To be fair LAX is undergoing a fairly substantial upgrade program however they have managed to put the USB charging ports in the lounges upside down so I recommend they scrap the whole thing and start again.