Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Days in DC

Got out of Metro and started taking photos of anything remotely ornate. After quite a few I realised I had left the SD card in the laptop back at the hotel so had to resort to the Tablet.

The guy under the tree on the left has got a gun to shoot any dogs going to poop on the lawn
This is much bigger than what I thought it was going to be. Quite impressive
If you look closely there is a sign that says "Quiet Respect Please". I don't think anyone else saw it as it sounded like the food court at any Mawl.

Ben's House

Next day I decided to see some Smithsonian museums. 1st up the Air & Space just after opening time

Impressive displays. More focused on the space side of things.
I also went to the Natural History Museum and the West wing of the National Gallery of Art.

The Natural History Museum was a little disappointing. The animal displays were great but I thought there would be more dinosaurs....bit spoilt. The Gallery of Art was really awesome with more name brand artists than I have ever seen. I am no authority but even I recognbised room after room of paintings by notables.
My only gripe was the apparent lack of north American Landscapes as this is my favorite type so I am going to look into it on my last full day.


  1. Anonymous5/8/14 19:06

    Hey, you in the sandals, get off the grass!

  2. Hey Cam,

    Great shots. Would love to visit Washington DC one day. Looking forward to seeing some of your own landscapes shots once you get on the road. Thursday right?

    Hope you are over the cold. Almost time to hit the road!

    Watkins Glen on Sunday, and the Michigan the following Sunday, woot!
