Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Michigan State

The Ford Rouge/Dearborn factory tour was really interesting. The complex keeps going beyond the far stacks which I believe were an onsite steel mill

The best car on display in the Henry Ford Museum was this one by far!
1968 XR7-G
On the way back into Detroit city the Jeeps inbuilt GPS decided to take me too West Woodward street. After pulling off the freeway and noticing the smoking ruin of a house, the car driven into a pole and left there and the houses crumbling to the ground in disrepair I was stabbing the "lock doors" button with my finger and turning down the East Woodward road. The road ends right at the Tigers stadium where I paid $25 for parking and went to the pub
My Jeep in the foreground
Play ball!

I am not really a baseball fan they but they do put on a good show

I am however a fast track NASCAR fan and Michigan is the fastest

Jeff Gordon turning right for the 1st time in the day
Scribing a new line on the track
Great time! The sound of the cars is phenomenal. I had stumped up extra cash for the Budweiser Acceleration pack but it was not really worth it.

I was feeling pretty good after the race and so headed the 300 miles literally due south to Dayton to a rest area 25 miles away from the Museum of the United States Airforce. In doing so it meant I wasn't going to Chicago or crossing Lake Michigan in a jet cat to Milwaukee but I thought it was worth it.
I was inline early and got may name down on the "presidential Hanger tour" which is on the active air force base. A bus took us to the hangers. One has the ex-Airforce One type planes including Kennedy's that took him back to Washington after the assassination. The other hanger was the Research-Experimental. It basically houses billions of dollars invested in, at the time, bleeding edge technology. The show case for me was the Mach 3 bomber
it completely dwarfs the F-23 Black Window underneath (it which itself is larger than an F-15) and an AN-12 (SR-71) parked to my left parallel to it. It is hard to take photos as the planes are jammed in there and the lighting is not the best

They do intend to build a 4th hanger in the public museum to house all these Gems. It really is a unique display.


  1. awesome, awesome, awesome. Planes, road cars and races all in the one post, great stuff! Did you happen to notice what was different about that f-16? They did some cool tests with those things like VT.

  2. Also Cam, if you are still taking requests, its a bit plane geeky, but did you take any pics of the X-36?
