Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quick update

In, of all places, North Pole Alaska. Its been a long drive through amazing terrain. Out the front of a Safeway store looking for a hotel. My 1st since Montana. The laptop is having big issues connectong to wifi. I thpugjt for awhile that fast food outlets had wised up and were building faraday cages into all buildings to stop the leachers!


  1. Alaska - sweet!

    When you can, post up some pics. Just no up close and personal shots with bears!

    How far up into Alaska are you aiming to go Cam?

    1. Steve - again31/8/14 18:17

      Also Cam, as you are the webmaster of your blog, at your earliest convenience, could you please put the link to the 2014 gps trail back. The page is still there but the link is gone. thanks :D

  2. Loving the wallpaper Cameron :-P

  3. Tony Abbott2/9/14 08:26

    Wish Peta, sorry I mean Margie, would dress like that.
