Thursday, August 14, 2014

Little Update

From Marion I went the scenic route through the Appalachians into Kentucky via some areas which are renowned for knocking the top off mountains too get at the coal seams found throughout these fold mountains. The little towns are basically strip towns in the base of the valleys. The roads follow the valleys and underlaid by the old rail ways that transported all the coal out of this place last century. The scenery is beautiful and what I expected. Quite a few dirt tracks and very steep one lane roads but worth it. Came into Kentucky via the Daniel Boone national Park and into some of the richest country side I have ever seen. Horse and Cattle  studs abound. Its like the Hunter Valley only going on for 100's of miles. I had a superb meal at a place called Cynthiana. The locals were surprised I was there but I am using a web site called I was able to extract the places the website had reviewed and then import them into the mapping software on my laptop. This is proving invaluable in finding awesome out of the way food outlets and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I would have driven past this place:
Ridetoeat gave it 5 stars and it was roughly on my intended route north. I would give it 5 stars as well. After seeing all the Bovine delights out the window of the car I couldn't resist
Everything fresh and local although I heard different things about the steak. America seems locked into the idea of raising cattle on beautiful pastures and then transporting them big distances to intensive feed lots where they get fed corn and whatever bulk grain is cheapest and then walk around in their own waste and then shipped back in sealed packages. One waitress said the meat was local so I will go with that.

I just arrived in Pittsburgh and am booking a hotel. I think there's a baseball game on so will check out tickets for that. I really like this end of Pennsylvania

1 comment:

  1. The ridetoeat site is a good idea. Wish there was something similar here.
