Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Hotel

The World Of Beer had great beer but the food lacked a little. Plus the music was too loud and bad

My Hotel is the brown brick building in the background
There must be a thousand TV's in the Buffalo Wild Wings


  1. Hey Cam, great to see your new posts.

    Hope you are feeling better. Sucks to get crook, but I guess you can get it out of your system now, and then move on once you get your car.

    I'd like to click on the photo above, but I havn't yet watched Pocono, so as it stands, I can't make out what car is showing on the screen :D I'm guessing Ambrose hasn't won, as I'm sure you wouldn't have been able to end that post without comment.

    Glad you liked Philly. Do to my unexpected stoppver in Philly on my way to Indy, I can agree, that the scenery along the river looked really nice. Unfortunately the only physical contact I had with the city was the airport. I however bought the t-shirt at the airport to say I'd been, as techincally I was there. Just not there... never mind.

    You are now in Washington, right. Did you end up travelling from NYC via the train?

    Take care, and get better soon.

    Oh, thanks for the pic of the Blue Angel. The previous shot showed the nose, which did look like a Hornet, but cool to see now what it was.


  2. Further comments, just checked out world of beer on google maps. You can go inside. Neat looking place, there appears to be no contention issues for tv's!

  3. I like how you got beer, Nascar and ketchup all in the one photo, three things many Americans hold dear. The brickwork of your hotel reminds me of the Albemarle Building where I wasted too many years of my life.
