Sunday, August 3, 2014

Have been crook

Unfortunately I picked up some sort of Flu either in transit or in NYC. I thought it was just a head cold but have now transformed into the green Flem monster. Yesterday (02/08) I thought I felt better and left my hotel without taking any anti-congestion or pain tablets to go into Washington around the Capitol building area but only made it about 500 meters from the Subway entrance before getting really woozy and having to sit on a park bench for about half an hour and then returned back to the hotel to hibernate. It was a great view though so not all bad. Its really annoying to say the least. Luckily they had a movie fest on one of the channels.

There seems to be a problem using the "Blogger" Android app and the HTML editor so some posts appeared to have disappeared:

Philadelphia is a really nice city. At least the bits I saw around the central city area. I took a hop on hop off tour bus around the city but the main thin I wanted to see was the Battleship USS New Jersey
Awesome! I didn't know it was built just across the river in WW2 so this makes it a really fitting place for its final home. According to the guys on board this was the representative US ship in Sydney Harbour during the Bicentennial celebrations. Great exhibit well laid out and worth the trip. I was a little disappointed it wasn't as open as the USS Alabama in Mobile but they may be working on that.
The bus tour dropped me off near the ferry to go across the Delaware River but before that it went past the steps made famous by Rocky I. Some people started the run up the steps but only 1 made it to the top.... its not that many steps.
The Philadelphia downtown area has some beautiful buildings in it. They have gone all Parisian.
Feeling better to today. I was at the Sheraton Pentagon city but have moved to the Holiday Inn in at Ballston. I decided to take it easy after yesterdays fail and am watching the NASCAR race at a place called "The World of Beer"
Grumman F11F1 Tiger


Grand Central Station


  1. Mitch Emhoff5/8/14 07:26

    Hey Cameron, have you seen Beth?

  2. Edwin Jenner5/8/14 07:28

    Where are you now Cameron? I'll get a team to you.
