Saturday, August 16, 2014

Exit Pennsylvania

I am going to update this with pictures,  a grammar check and spell check on when i get laptop access.
Exited via the south bank and a place called Primanti brothers. The sandwich tasted pretty good but was a patty not steak so will have to check what it was supposed to be.
I am in the  Detroit Beer Co enjoying a Hefeweizen or more before the game. I have a pretty awesome ticket it seems and looks to be a sell out judging from the number of people approaching me to see if i was selling tickets - this is 3hrs before the gates open.
I followed the Ohio river for a fair way northish before going towards Kent. The state university there was the scene of the May 4th 1970 shooting of students during a peaceful anti war protest. It has been a place i have wanted to visit for some time but i am not even sure why however it was as thought provoking and symbolic as many war memorials i have been too. the incident was commemorated on campus with a moving tribute. This part of Ohio is really beautiful with many small towns white boarded houses heaps of flags and pickups the dominant car species.
After that i headed to the shores of lake Erie in the Cleveland downtown area and then to another  rib joint. Pictures on the wall of  luminaries such as Charlie Sheen (im not sure he knew what city he was in from the picture) Samuel Jackson and the late Robyn Williams.
(picture tobeuplaoded)
These were amazing ribs!
I slept in a rest area somewhere between Cleveland and Toledo, woke up and drove to the GM building on the lake front of Detroit. With so much time to spare i decide to save a day and see the Henry Ford museum. This is the product of another eccentric billionaire industrialist but quite different to Carnegie's. The closest parallel i know of in Australia is the Museum of Australia on the old hospital site in Canberra. There is no real focus other than 'America' and that would seem enough as it was very interesting, in particular the massive steam engines of many different types. Not sure if Ford was the original curator but some of the stuff was awesome and probably not on display anywhere else. There was also some mundane stuff like an  early 80's Honda Civic.?? Bu t i think i 'get it ' in that this was an important car literally and symbolically, post oil crisis.
I also went on the rouge factory tour where Ford spits out 1200 F-150's a day. This was really interesting as we had an elevated gantry walk around the main assembly line. I also confirmed that yes Cougars were made in this complex so it is like i have been to my cars delivery ward  B-) ...... :X


  1. Awwwww, so you got to see where your baby was born :-) How sweet ;-)

  2. Steady there, Mrs B! It kinda sounds like you are taking the piss a little! You of all people should know that with cars, its personal!

    Cam, you must be at the speedway by now. Hope your trip there was a little less eventful than the last race you attended. We'll have to have our post race debrief when you get back.

  3. Hey Steve, back off - i can state my opinion :-P (Just kidding) ;-)

  4. Ok, so are we really going to have this dicussion on Cam's blog?. Ok, its sounds like you won't care then if I sell your XR8 and buy a twin cab F-150 then?

  5. Leave my car alone Buster!!!! :-P I never said it wasn't personal.....i just thought it was sweet that Cameron got to see his baby's delivery ward :-) :-D
